
The Mint

The Mint
Styling tool for textured hair

The Mint by Richualist is a hair styling tool that saves time on wash days and improves results compared to manual styling. Automatic dispensing and heating of hair products combined with a variety of comb attachments makes it easy to detangle and distribute product evenly for all types of curly hair.

Role: Lead Industrial Design
Made at Tomorrow Lab

Photography by Richualist



This project came to us with a target industrial design already established. I worked on maintaining that shape while adjusting the overall volume and part splits to accommodate bulky internal mechanisms and fleshing out details like buttons, latches, the hinge/spring, and LED indicators.


User testing showed that our first design wasn’t comfortable enough to hold, so we went back to the drawing board on ergonomics. I built weighted foam prototypes to test out different form factors, with a focus on slimming the grip area.